In May I planted some grapefruit and lemon seeds pretty much on a whim (basically seeds + dirt + water). 3 of 4 grapefruit sprouted but only 1 lemon out of 8 (must have got something wrong), and he doesn't seem to be growing as he should.
The seedling was repotted into Citrus compost (as with all my other plants). A second pair of leaves arrived quickly, but in the last 6 weeks there has been no growth at all. I'm tempted to re-pot into fresh compost and check the roots but to be honest I don't know what I'd be looking for anyway. The leaves aren't changing in colour. Everything is fed with summer citrus feed and watered when the top half inch or so of compost is dry. They get plenty of sunlight through the window they sit by. I'm in Cornwall so they can't live outdoors all the time.
The lemon is on the left in the pic below (the other 2 are grapefruit of the same age).
Any help would be gratefully appreciated.
On the upside, this is the grapfruit that sprouted first, a good 3-4 weeks before the others, and he's coming along well so fas as I can see: