1) Can any veteran help me identify this rootstock?
2) What are the pros and cons? What citrus fruit give the best flavor on this rootstock?
I was given this rootstock to play with. The diameter is about 1/4 to 3/8 inch. The tip/top/leader has been cut off long ago, so it's just a 7-inch long stump (but still alive).
I do have some left over scionwoods from UCR CCPP.
By the way, I tried putting in an order (via email) to TreeSource Citrus Nursery (
http://www.citrustreesource.com/pricing/ ) for some rootstock seedling, but they never answer. I ordered a quantity of 10 rootstock seedling (pretty cheap), so I think they just ignored me on the minuscule order. Anyone with the same experience?