Gonebananas, Welcome to the Citrus forum where you will never ever be sent on a vacation to Disneyland! If you dont know what I mean by this comment, just ask the moderators of this board!
The Garden Watchdog is a valuable service to anyone thinking of ordering plants or seed from a mail order nursery. The World Famous Nursery you are referring to that is no longer listed with them got some high powered lawyer and they threatend a lawsuit with Garden Watchdog if they didnt remove their name from the site. Last time I looked, (before they had their company pulled) they had like an 80% dissaproval rating. I dont know how they can fraud and rip off that many people. Looks like after the first few negative comments that they would have tried to clean up their act. Just wanted you to know why they are no longer listed and are free to scam unsuspecting gardeners. Just yesterday, I was talking with a guy who just got a PC for Christmas and he was telling me about this great website for a nursery he had stumbled onto.. You can guess who it was!