Hello all...............
I killed a citrus tree this Winter. It was a fine little Honey Murcott that I bought at Lowe's four years ago. I had kept it under potted for too long and it was choking to death from a mass of circling roots. I let it go. During the winter nap, I noticed an area of shrunken parched looking leaves. I let it go. I was thinking at the time that a fungal infection had gotten a toe-hold. Even with a jar of Cu-SO4in the medicine chest, I let it go. My wife, who in the beginning had told me to curb my wonton citrus tree desires until it had been proven that I could keep them alive, seemed unfazed.
"Trees die, honey." she mused.
I knocked all the soil out of the rootball, held it up high above the compost pile, and let it go.
It may have been the first, and it may not be the last, but I'm going to try harder to keep a better watch on the eighteen remaining trees that I have.... and not wait until its too late.
P.S. I woke up the kids this past weekend with a nice shot of 7-7-2 pelletized fish fertilizer. My children thought it tasted terrible, but my citrus trees perked right up.
Scott "Murcott killer" Koverman
Peace, Love, and Citrus