Joined: 17 Oct 2007 Posts: 89 Location: Santa Fe, NM USA
Posted: Tue 15 Jul, 2008 2:34 am
Hi Everyone...
Has anyone grown Citrus Etrog & Citrus
Ujukitsu ? If you have tell me about them
are they easy to grow ? What are their
traits ? Do they flower often ? Are they
easy to grow ? Thanks
Joined: 17 Nov 2005 Posts: 157 Location: Gainesville FL Zone 8/9
Posted: Tue 15 Jul, 2008 5:23 pm
I had a nice etrog for a couple of years. Last year while I was out of the country my wife did not get it inside before a freeze and it died.
They have a wonderful aroma. We picked the fruit and just left it on the kitchen counter. The smell was great. They are not very cold hardy and seem to be more attractive to scale (along with Buddha's Hand) than most of the rest of my citrus.