Well, if no one is selling the 5-1-3 fertilizer, here's one of the cheapest mix that you can do.
1.45 lbs sulpomag (0-0-22)
3.05 lbs ammonium sulfate (21-0-0)
1.00 lb triple 16 with minors (16-16-16)
The above mix, if accurate as labeled by the packages should give a ratio of 5 - 1 - 3 with a good dosage of magnesium and sulfur as a bonus.
You can obtain all of these fertilizers very cheaply from agricultural supply store. Ammonium sulfate and triple 16 are one of the cheapest fertilizers in the lawn section, just avoid those with the weed killer or preventer in them, they would kill your citrus.
There could be a little challenge when obtaining sulpomag, these are usually mined in Canada and should be very cheap there. They are also mined in the US. You can order these online from
www.amazon.com store. Fortunately our local Ace Hardware, OSH and Lowes carries them after being persistent with their customer service to stock them.
In practicality, you would mix 1 1/2 cups sulpomag with 3 cups ammonium sulfate and 1 cup triple 16 and you wouldn't be far off with the 5-1-3 ratio.
Hope this helps.