I was just wondering the best way to winter my container pom. Should it be kept in full light like my citrus or ? Its just about lost all its leaves now... sad little sight... l;ooks like something left dead for years.
but it was also like that when I got it... so I know they do come back!
I just really hope to keep the tree thriving, it put oit crazy growth since I had it and truly hoping to get fruit from it this next year. I dont know its age, but from the soil up, its about 3ft. Anyone know how big and what they need to fruit? Is there something I should be doing this winter, spring to ensure a fruit crop? I've heard they can be very very picky... so, I just dont know.
Either way, its a beautiful tree either way... just be geat to at least get a single pom from it
do poms need a cross pollinator for fruiting? I have no clue what variety it is, if its a seed started, grafted or cutting. So... I just cant look it up to see if it needs this or that.
ASny help is greatly apreciated... thanks
heres a pic of it... from early this summer.... since the pic was taken, it grew 12 shoots towards the top 12-18 inches each... look kinda funny as the tree is so bushy, and then theres these big branches. guessing it'll fill out next year... hopefully. from the pic, can you tell if any pruning is needed? there are 5 main trunks with leaves and branches going from the soil line up. Most pics I've seen are free of lower branches/leaves