Hi fern,
I have an air-layered Kohala longan growing in a large container in my greenhouse. I've not gotten it to fruit yet. I keep having issues with the foliage. The tree will flush beautifully and like crazy. Once the tree is looking good, it will start losing leaves...prompting a pruning to get another flush going. I know my tree has been touchy on overwatering and I'm currently having a minor thrips issue. Both could be contributing to my woes. I also need to check to see if I have it in way too big a container. Air-layered plants are not know for their impressive root systems.
I did do an air-layer on this tree prior to a major pruning. Oddly enough, it took and is now growing fine. Only about 18" tall or so but should do well. No experience in grafting these. I haven't seen any plants offered as grafted specimens, only air-layered. Grafting may cause the plant to grow slower.
I believe the longan will do better in a region where it can receive a long chill period. A google search will get you some good info on their requirements. You may be able to plant your tree outside once it is in shape to do so. I'd wait until it was larger for this though. You could check out GardenWeb's tropical fruit forum. Lot of folks from Florida on this site and I believe several have longans growing.