Sorry in advance for the giant pics, I dont have any kind of picture modification programs to crop it with. But hey, its easier to see.
I have an existing orange tree of unknown pedigree. It has had its issues, for one it is right over a septic tank cover and was injured a while back for the inspection and then last winter we had a fluke freeze and the top branches died. I topped it off and it seemed to be doing better with new flushes of leaves all over. We have had some cooler weather all of a sudden, like it went from late 80s to 58 degrees at night. It was enough my plum trees dropped their leaves and pears seem like they will follow suit. I checked today and if you can see in the pic, the ground is littered with fallen leaves. Is this normal? Imageshack is slow as hell but I will load better pics.
Here is a Honey Sweet Orange I have been nursing. What is wrong with it? All the deficiencies look the same to me so at one week intervals I have added zinc sulfide foliate spray, iron, manganese sulfate, magnesium sulfate and this is what I still have to show for it. What gives?