I have about ten trees in my overwintering greenhouse. All were purchased this spring from various sources, and all received pretty much identical care. In the late summer, two of my trees showed steady decline while still outdoors and continued to decline once moved to the greenhouse. The rest of the trees are doing great, so I don't think it is an environmental issue.
The most severe is a Eustis Limequat. It has been slowly dropping leaves and turning yellow all over. I thought maybe it was a nitrogen deficiency and had been applying foliar fert for a few weeks to no effect. It is potted in the same free-draining mulch/peat/perlite mix I have always used, but I noticed recently that the pot drainage holes weren't quite at the bottom corner of the pot, they were about 1/4" up so maybe it was pooling a small amount of water at the bottom. I cut the draining holes lower and kept an eye on it. No improvement over a week or two.
Here it is when I got it in late spring
This is how it looks now
I finally pulled it out of the pot and it has nearly no roots. Some of the remaining roots look blackened. Is this Phytophthora rot? I saw a few tiny black spots on the leaves. The rootball used to be sized for a 5gal pot and now fit comfortably in a 2gal.
I applied Agri-Fos phosphorous acid spray to the whole tree & roots and repotted into a smaller pot using fresh medium. I'm hoping it isn't too late for this one but I think it will die soon.
The second tree with issues is a golden nugget mandarin. The leaves had been turning yellow from the oldest growth up. The newest growth from this summer is still healthy and green, but this seems like too much change to simply be old leaves dying. I found some mealybugs on this tree two weeks ago and have been picking them off and spraying hort oil every few days. I still find one occasionally but it doesn't seem too serious. None of the other trees have any bugs.
After seeing the limequat roots I got worried about this one and pulled it out of the pot. The roots looked just fine so I put it right back in the pot. Any idea what might be wrong with this one?