>>>> That 1/2 inch bastard ate 3 big citrus trees, 2 mango trees, 2 pepino plants and one bougainvillea in less than 3 days.
Holy cow. I know they're voracious as Ive seen them tear apart some of my trees fast. But I'd be near say that many leaves were impossible for just one. Maybe the others are stuck in traffic within the trans-dimensional portal or just got lost. They might be back!
Funny, I caught one trying to "eat and run" last week when I inspected a recently planted Moro blood. As I walked up to investigate why a few leaves had been eaten, I noticed it charging down the slope, over the mulch, and went directly at my foot; I assume to attack me

As the Klingons would put it, it was "a good day to die" (for him at least).