Hello plantguy,
Air layering figs is very,very easy and very effective.In May or June I select the shoots that I want to air layer-I girdle the stem horizontally with a sharp knife twice about two inches apart,then cut vertically to connect the two cuts,then I peel away the bark completely and dust the stem just above the cut with Rootone (rooting hormone powder) then I place a small ball of moist sphagnum moss over the girdled stem and wrap it tight with aluminum foil with the dull side out to hold moisture in.If you have the shiny side out it will sometimes attract birds to peck holes in your air layers
In late July or August (here in north Florida) the layers will be heavily rooted and ready to cut off the tree to pot up.I like to grow them in containers for one year before planting.Warning!!! This is so easy and fun that it is addictive-be prepared to clear land to plant figs and get ready to give them as gifts for birthdays,Christmas,etc...