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Repotting AGAIN to CHC & sterilizing old soil

Citrus Growers Forum Index du Forum -> Container citrus
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Citrus Angel

Joined: 15 Nov 2005
Posts: 1842
Location: zone 5 Milwaukee, Wi

Posted: Sat 31 Mar, 2007 2:52 am

Last fall when I brought plants in, I noticed some millipede-y looking worms crawling in soil in some of my citrus - esp the bigger ones.
I just did 2-3 clear rinsings of a bail of CHC's & have been repotting the last 2 days. Dumping all soil (some with old CHC) on tarp covered floor in sunroom, I could see many of these wormy things.
I rinsed roots off - set plant aside, & put old soil in 2 big roasting pans & baked in oven at 375*F for 1 hour. That should kill & sterilize everything in it. Gotta put stove exhaust fan on HIGH for this & open windows! (It STINKS!)

Had a bucket of still slightly damp CHC's soaking in: - per each gal water... 1 tsp calcium nitrate, 1/2 tsp STEM, 1 Tbls epsom salt, 1 Tbls of 24-8-16 fert which has VERY little micro's, and about 2 Tbls of non soluble bone meal (only cuz it was there). Shaken up REAL good & mixed in the CHC's to soak for a day. Scrubbed out old pots & put old window screen to cover the drain holes - maybe help to keep bugs out this summer (I hope).
Scooped out CHC's to strainer...added about 2-3 inches of it to bottom of pots & the rest was mixed: 3 parts CHC with 1 part sterilized soil (which also has SOME CHC & perlite). I then sprinkled a little Osmocote on top of newly potted plant. Will scratch in some pelletized lime on surface later.

I have 6 gal bucket of more CHC's soaking in final 'solution' for more repotting tomorrow...only about half way there...much more CHC's to soak in my "ferts"... 2 big 6 gal pots citrus & 2 more 3 gal to repot, so more 'soil roasting' to do too. I have 4 big roasting pans bagged of sterilized soil, & what I don't use for citrus will go to potting UP on 15 brugmansia & maybe a couple fig trees.
Then comes the hard part of getting them acclimated to outside! eeeek!
That's where my dolly comes in handy.
I sprained my back twice in Feb but not from heavy work. Can you believe...I moved wrong in my sleep!!!? Last time, I had a lump & bruising at lower back...I heard a crunch when I rolled over & that was it! Lasts for about 7-10 days.
I love my plants & the work is rewarding, but if anyone gives me another plant, I think I will KILL them LOL.
I really do love the's what I waited all winter for! This summer should be very rewarding....I hope Laughing

Millet, how am I doing with my final soaking of CHC's? Any opinions are welcome.

How are the trees: The big ponderosa lost all blossoms over last 8 weeks & most leaves, but has one blossom & looks like new growth coming. Satsuma has a ton of blossoms falling off but with many baby fruits on. Moro has baby fruits on. Cara Cara had a ton of bloosoms & all fell off with a few leaves but has new growth. Cal lost all blooms & leaves look pale (will repot tomorrow) but has baby blossoms on & little leaf drop. Honey Murcott had a ton of blossoms but all fell off - leaves are fine...needs repotting. BIG Persian lime lost leaves & blossoms but has more blossoms on (will re pot). The rest are just OK. Things are better this year than this time last year, & last yr was best year.
Brugs & Figs are going crazy!

I drink wine to make other people more interesting Wink
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Joined: 28 Nov 2005
Posts: 440
Location: Cincinnati, OH

Posted: Sat 31 Mar, 2007 10:57 am

unless it completely grosses you out to have bugs in the house, there is no need, AFAIK, to doom the millipedes in your citrus.

Soil tends to be a living system, and unless theyre fungus gnats or parasitic nematodes, arent awful for you.

good luck with your soil baking process- I know that is encouraged for reusing for tomatoes or pepepers due to the soilborne diseases.

Take Care,
Kelli (who will not send you more plants!)
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