Today I was out visiting my local nursery and Home Depot and ran across these two interesting products:
Some of you may have already seen these products if you live in California or Florida but I was suprised to see them now being offered here in VA. This gives other citrus enthusiasts out there not in the citrus belt hope that more citrus products might soon be available in their locale.
The Espoma company markets great organic or natural type fertilizers for plants. I already use most of their products but had never seen this product offered yet. Apparently Citrus-tone is also a good formulation for avocados as well.
The Cactus, Palm and Citrus soil was a suprise to me when I saw it. The bag states its formulated with just the right amount of sand, soil and peat moss to ensure fast drainage while keeping adequate moisture retention. I could tell there was a fair amount of sand mixed in since the small bag had a good amount of weight to it.
I had already been using this (Miracle-Gro® Shake 'n Feed® Continuous Release Citrus, Avocado, & Mango Plant Food)
in addition to Espoma's line of goods, Fish emulsion and other various products but now will utilize the Citrus tone in my rotation of fertilizers.