Turkey: lemon exporter Aksun switching to Lamas
Tholen - Lemon scarcity has impacted operators in the industry all around this season. Importers and exporters have seen their pricing move up tremendously, and Turkish growers have seen their returns more then triple. Meanwhile some growers are dealing with the effects of changing and warming weather conditions, that have resulted in losses.
The Turkish produce exporter Aksun is switching from the lemon variety Interdonato to pack Lamas, and is also experiencing the consequences of this years shortage. Our packing and shipping capacity is operating at 50 to 60%, says a company spokes person. The effect of the warming climate is that lemons need another day or two more to ripen, to keep quality, color, size and juice content at the expected level.
Aksun is presently also packing Starruby grapefruit and White Marsh, that are of very good skin and color this season. The main sizes available are medium and small, which means competitive prices, different packaging for the juice industry and special promotions for supermarkets.