Laaz or Millet, anybody else too but you two make the most sense to me usually.....I am looking at AccuWeather predictions and I am getting strange predictions that don't make sense to me for night time lows. On one night with predicted 8mph winds actual temp est. might be 24* F with a real feel est. of 28* F. Then on another night the act. Temp est. might be 28*F with low winds and a predicted real feel at night of 21*F. Very counter intuitive to me. I can't imagine real feel being higher than actual temp at night with no sun especially with a higher wind speed.
I guess I need to use predicted real feel for my warning to attempt my protection strategy . I have some big Sats and Meyers now and I don't want to get smashed. My frost cloth is not great in high winds and rain. I may have to step up to a green house like Atlas. Aren't they the best ? Thanks, Tom
I typed all this but it maybe terrible place for it, not sure where or how to move it, too old but glad to be here !
Tom in central Alabama