I ordered some Satsuma scions from the Citrus Clonal Protection Program (CCPP) last year and cut the bud sticks to 2 buds and bark grafted them last February. Some took just like Joe's and are growing happily. Some have budded out but are growing slowly. Some are still plump and green, but have not started to grow, and a few just turned brown and gave up the ghost. Is there anything I can do to encourage the ones that have not started to grow? I could not do much last summer as the tree overhangs a patio where our contractor had set up shop during our recent remodel. I just did an inventory today.
Perhaps I did wrong by some of the scions. They were pretty small diameter sticks. I grafted some onto sets of year old branchlets that had sprouted from branch ends that had been cut back. It was my hope that at least a few would grow and I could choose one or two to retain. Perhaps these were not ideal recipient branches? The bark lifted fine.
Does pruning out around a graft once it has calloused and healed help induce growth of the scion, or is it better to leave a little greenery to induce sap flow to the branch?
Thanks for any insights.