I just found the forum and it looks like a great source of information. I have been growing citrus (mostly in the ground) in coastal Georgia for about 12 years, I have Oro Blanco, Ruby Red Grapefruit, several Satsumas, Meyer Lemon, and Kumquats in the ground. I also have Key Lime, Yuzu, Persian Lime, Eureka Lemon, Harvey Lemon and Sambokan lemon in containers. (Some of the plants in containers are going in the ground in the next few weeks.)
My question concerns air layering. I have air layered my Meyer lemon in the past but would like to produce air layers of some of the others. I have heard that not all citrus will air layer successfully. I am in particular interested in the Key Lime, Yuzu, Mexican Lime and Sambokan lemon. Has anyone had experience with air layering these? I would appreciate any information the group can offer.
Many Thanks,