If Dynamite's 18-6-12 is the same formulation as Osmocote's 18-6-12, and I think it is, it is a 8-9 month extremely slow release fertilizer. Normally used in conjunction with the planting of seeds, due to the fact that at first there is practically very little nutrient release, increasing as time goes by. This type of release coincides with the requirements of planted seeds.
I use Peters 25-5-15 W/trace elements. Peters 25-5-15 is the perfect 5-1-3 ratio required by citrus, most especially for containerized trees. Citrus trees absorb nutrients in the ratio of 5-1-3, meaning for every 5 parts of Nitrogen the citrus roots absorbs, they will always absorb 1 part phosphorus, and 3 parts potassium. This then is the nutrient ratio that needs to be used when replacing nutrients that were absorbed from the medium by the up take of the tree's root system. Fertilization must respect this ratio when the mineral in the leaves is satisfactory. Obviously, in cases of over dosage or deficiency of one or more elements this ratio should be changed to a more appropriate one. - Millet (1,063-)