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new meyer lemon and possible lime tree

Citrus Growers Forum Index du Forum -> Container citrus
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Joined: 05 Jul 2007
Posts: 1

Posted: Thu 05 Jul, 2007 5:52 pm

Hey guys im an extreme beginner, however I think im learning more and more. I posted this on another container citrus forum, but no one replied for over a week, so hopefully I can get some help here. Thanks!!

the local nursery had a 50 percent off sale on all trees and i found two meyers lemon trees and what i think is a lime tree all the way in a dark corner. The one lemon tree is in excellent health and looked great after i picked all the weeds out of its container. The other lemon tree is really leggy since it was dark and is pretty tall, should i prune at all? how do i correct this other than placing it in full sun? The third tree looks like a lemon tree, it had a lemon tag on it, but someone worte LIME on it with black marker. The tree has no main trunk but in stead three small spererate main trunks coming out of the soil and they are not connected at all, and are all smallish, one small trunk section has green fruit on it, which i presume are limes however some of the thinned out fruit that fell off the tree had turned yellow, and i think lemons are orignally green right? so im thinking someone mistakenly thought it was lime and wrote that. Whats the deal with the three trunk thing? and do you think its a lime? Thirdly the nursery was taking poor care of these trees and two of them show signs of being overwatered. When i asked the girl working at the check out aisle she said they were watered every day, anyway do you think i should repot in better draining soil or leave them in the pot they came in from the main nursery that orignally grew them (a place in cali?) Sorry that my post is not very scientific and doesnt really use all the lingo of container citrus like you guys, but im trying to learn. thanks in advance for any help.
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Joined: 13 Nov 2005
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Location: Colorado

Posted: Thu 05 Jul, 2007 9:05 pm

NJ, welcome to the Citrus Growers forum, we are glad you have joined with us. It is quit easy to tell the difference between a lemon and a lime tree just by looking at the leaves. Here is Dr. Manners web site, a member of this forum. On his web site you will see a link titled "Citrus Identification", click on the link to match the leaf from your tree with the leaves on Dr. Manners list. Without a picture of the "lanky" tree it is impossible to tell if, or how much the tree should be pruned, or if it should be pruned at all. I would definitely move it into the full sun, but because it has been growing in the shade, move the tree into full sun slowly, to avoid sun burning the leaves. Lastly, as to whether you should transplant your trees into a better draining soil, it all depends on how compact/compressed and slow draining the current growth medium is. Also, take into account the size of the container, the size of the tree, and how long the trees have been planted in the container. Slip the trees from the containers and see if the root system is root bound, and therefore requires transplanting. Generally, a containerized tree requires transplanting, or the roots pruned, once a year. - Millet
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Joined: 11 Apr 2007
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Location: North Carolina

Posted: Fri 06 Jul, 2007 3:10 pm

Millet....I'd be interested in seeing Dr. Manners website, but there was no link in your post.
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Joined: 13 Nov 2005
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Location: Colorado

Posted: Fri 06 Jul, 2007 3:27 pm

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