As some of you maybe know it, i have lost 2 citrus last summer because of drought, which has lasted from april to october. No single drop of rain inside this period. I spent my vacation in august, but in other months there is rarely someone there to water my beloved ones. I do not want this to repeat again this summer, that is why we have piled up some sand and stone blocks around them to keep moisture in the ground and to avoid ground evaporation. It worked wery well with one orange last summer.
I also installed some rubber tube 30 cm long into the ground next to the trees, so that i can water directly into roots. Probably many of you have already tried this methods. Do you have some other ideas how to prevent my ever green friends to die from drought? I asked my neighbors and cousins to water them, but they failed to prevent those 2 to dry to death.
i am in love with lemon