Hi All,
New poster here. I wanted to post a thank you to everyone at this forum for all the great information. I bought this tree from gurneys back in June. It came as a tiny little thing with the three small leaves at the dirt level, and four big ones up on the trunk. The trunk was just a stick with one fork sticking out of it.
I potted it in a mix of coconut husk chips and ground coconut husk that I bought at a local orchid supply store, and have been watering and fertilizing according to instructions I found here. I think it took off pretty well over the summer.
My question is, how do I know when it is time to move it to a bigger pot? I have it in a 6" one now.
I'm in Minnesota so I'm planning on keeping it inside in a window sill over the winter. It won't get much light, but it should get some. I'm not sure what temp it will stay at in that window, but I think I should be able to get it to live in the temps mentioned in the sticky post at the top of the forum to keep it growing over the winter.
Another side note ... I liked tending to this tree so much over the summer that I bought another plant just a bit ago ... a coffee tree:
Anyone have experience with these? Would the same coconut husk potting mix be good for this guy too, I have enough left over for another pot.
I can't wait to get a bigger house. I have visions of myself sitting in a plant room with a boatload of fruit trees, drinking bad tasting coffee brewed from my home grown beans.