IMHO If this is your first time with CHC or you aren't a seasoned Citrus "caregiver", I would strongly suggest you adhere to Millet's method exactly as he laid it out. Use only The Crystal Company CHC and be sure to do the Epsom Salt + Calcium Nitrate soak (buy some CalcNitrate from him, if he has any left).
He has posted a phone number around here somewhere.
I have also used a different product, called MulchBrick from AceHW and yeah I've noticed HomeDepot carrying the Miracle Mulch. The AceHW mulch was very different, non-standard. It had various types of CHC (strands + different sizes) which turned out to be fairly positive for me.
But it definitely had Salt issues. I always rinsed and pressed mine like 4 times (too much work btw). But on my last batch I ran out of Calcium Nitrate, but used only Epsom Salt. I also only rinsed twice. The two trees I put into the last batch had salt (fertilizer) burn symptoms within a week or two. They didn't die, but it was obvious.
It's easiest to make the fewest mistakes by using the recipe Millet set out. The Crystal Company CHC is supposedly top-rated and the cost reflects that: 60$ (includes shipping) for a 4-6 CF order, which will be more than you need for one tree.