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North Florida Nursery Issues or Kudos?

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Joined: 20 Jul 2010
Posts: 968
Location: Pensacola Florida South of I-10 Zone 8b/9a

Posted: Sun 29 Aug, 2010 10:34 am

Sorry for the double post but this doesn't appear to be getting any attention in the cold hardy forum. I guess I could just ask Skeeter but that kinda defeats the reason for the forum doesn't it. Probably some lurkers out there. This is a good reson to jump in and say something. Here is what I posted there.

I have worked my wish list down to my semi final selections for my Citrus planting and now I am looking for places to purchase the trees. The big box stores are out there but the reliability of the tagging comes into question unless you know where they got the trees from. I am looking at:
Flying Dragon Nursery
Just Fruits and Exotics
Record Buck Citrus - I know a retailer that sells their trees

My requirements are:
Must be in Florida preferably North Florida
Have excellent quality trees
Have good customer service - be willing to talk to me about their plants
Doesn't mind visits to their place - unless you are talking about a wholesaler

I am especially interested in bad experiences you may have had too so that I can avoid any potential problems.


Charles in Pensacola

Life - Some assembly required, As is no warranty, Batteries not included, Instructions shipped separately and are frequently wrong!

Kentucky Bourbon - It may not solve the problem but it helps to make it tolerable!
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Joined: 23 Jul 2006
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Location: Pensacola, FL zone 9

Posted: Sun 29 Aug, 2010 3:53 pm

Briteleaf was where I got my last two--I wanted a Dwarf Minneola and a Dwarf Moro and could not find one locally. I got my satsumas, kumquat and lemon locally several years earlier.

The trees I got from Briteleaf were in excellent shape.

I have heard good things about Just Fruits and Tropicals, but have never ordered from there.

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Joined: 16 Oct 2008
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Location: Pensacola,Fl

Posted: Sun 29 Aug, 2010 6:39 pm

Three months ago I looked for an astringent persimmon and found one in nursery, that's located in Milton. They had many different citruses and as I have understood all of them are imparted on Poncirus trifoliata. It was noticeable on tops from some root-stocks, but the woman there could not tell precisely on which one they were.They are located on Avalon Blvd in Milton.
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Joined: 05 Feb 2010
Posts: 14
Location: Tallahassee, FL [Zone 8B]

Posted: Tue 31 Aug, 2010 5:20 pm

I would highly recommend Just Fruits and Exotics. They really know their stuff and they have a huge selection of citrus and other fruits. They are by far my favorite nursery of all time. I was just there this past weekend and bought a really nice 5 gallon Page Orange Tree from them for $39. The other place I would recommend is Espositos in Tallahassee.
They have a good selection of all sizes but for some larger trees (10 gallons) they are all on sale for $69 right now.

For places near Tallahassee I find that Just Fruits and Exotics and Espositos have the largest citrus selection. Tallahassee Nurseries has a small selection that may be worth checking out as well if you are in the area.
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Joined: 20 Jul 2010
Posts: 968
Location: Pensacola Florida South of I-10 Zone 8b/9a

Posted: Tue 31 Aug, 2010 5:32 pm

Thanks All,

Just Fruits and Exotics is apparently a top notch organization. Thanks for the tip on Espisitos. I will look them up. The nursery on Avalon Blvd is very close and I have been there before but it was probably ten years ago. Honestly I had forgotten they are there. Skeet thanks for the Briteleaf look. I worked all morning pulling stumps and got most of what I can with hand tools and a F-150. It is almost time for the backhoe. Thankfully the weather was nice this morning. I don't think it even got over 90 and low humidity. Two weeks ago the temp was in the 90's and the heat index was near 115. I guess I should post some before and after pictures of the area I'm planting.

Charles in Pensacola

Life - Some assembly required, As is no warranty, Batteries not included, Instructions shipped separately and are frequently wrong!

Kentucky Bourbon - It may not solve the problem but it helps to make it tolerable!
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Joined: 13 Nov 2005
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Location: Colorado

Posted: Tue 31 Aug, 2010 8:09 pm

Before the Florida quarantine, I purchased most of my citrus from Briteleaf Nursery. I never received a bad tree. The quality of their trees is very consistent. I have never purchased trees from Flying Dragon nursery, but I have seen their trees at the Charleston Citrus Expo. If you wish to purchase dwarf trees grafted on Flying Dragon, they were excellent trees. .I have also heard high remarks from Lazz about FD's trees. Actually, with only a very few exceptions, most all citrus nurseries supply quality trees - Millet (866-)
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Joined: 05 Feb 2010
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Location: Tallahassee, FL [Zone 8B]

Posted: Wed 01 Sep, 2010 11:34 am

I also should meantion Harris Citrus Nursery

I purchased several plants from them and they were very helpful. They are located near Tampa but if you are buying a lot of trees it may be worth it. They sell the trees at the nursery for $10. They are wholesale and retail so they have a lot of selection. They have more than is listed on their website. If you contact them using the contact us link they are very helpful in setting up a time to visit them. They let you go into the nursery and pick out the plants you want. The plants are the same size the orange groves use to stock their lots.
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Joined: 20 Jul 2010
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Location: Pensacola Florida South of I-10 Zone 8b/9a

Posted: Wed 01 Sep, 2010 9:23 pm

firebirdbandit wrote:
I also should meantion Harris Citrus Nursery

I purchased several plants from them and they were very helpful. They are located near Tampa but if you are buying a lot of trees it may be worth it. They sell the trees at the nursery for $10. They are wholesale and retail so they have a lot of selection. They have more than is listed on their website. If you contact them using the contact us link they are very helpful in setting up a time to visit them. They let you go into the nursery and pick out the plants you want. The plants are the same size the orange groves use to stock their lots.

Thanks for the Harris Citrus tip. I called them with my list and they are going to get back with me on availability. Impressively they may have several rootstocks available and with their ties to the commercial growers they are on top of what is best. She was very thorough and inquired about my soil so she could make a good recommendation on the rootstock. She also assured me that I would not receive any plants that were rootbound or misshapen. She recommended I get 5 gal plants since I'm more interested in getting fruit early but she also said that 3 months in the ground and the $10 would catch up so I might just go with them. The 5 gal were $28 and the 7 gallon were $38. They don't have all the ones I need but I know I will be comfortable buying from them. I'll report on my final decisions. I might make a road trip in January/February and hit 4 or 5 nurseries between Tampa and here. I could justify the gas that way.

Charles in Pensacola

Life - Some assembly required, As is no warranty, Batteries not included, Instructions shipped separately and are frequently wrong!

Kentucky Bourbon - It may not solve the problem but it helps to make it tolerable!
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Joined: 13 Nov 2005
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Location: Colorado

Posted: Wed 01 Sep, 2010 10:26 pm

Harris Citrus Nursery is a member of this forum. I have also ordered a tree from Harris. The lady you talk to on the telephone is the daughter of the owners. She is indeed a very nice, helpful person. If I remember correctly (as it has been a while) the owners, her parents, are transplanted Eskimos now living in, and running their business in Florida. - Millet (865-)
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Joined: 05 Feb 2010
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Location: Tallahassee, FL [Zone 8B]

Posted: Thu 02 Sep, 2010 12:54 pm

February was when I purchased my plants from Harris. It ended up being a great time to plant citrus trees in Tallahassee for me. I purchased (1) 5 gallon tree from them and 6 of the $10 ones. It really didn't take long for the $10 ones to catch up with the 5 gallon one. Although I did allow the 5 gallon to produce fruit so that helped allow the $10 ones to catch up with it.
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Joined: 20 Jul 2010
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Location: Pensacola Florida South of I-10 Zone 8b/9a

Posted: Thu 02 Sep, 2010 8:53 pm


What did you buy and were they planted before the 2010 freeze?

Charles in Pensacola

Life - Some assembly required, As is no warranty, Batteries not included, Instructions shipped separately and are frequently wrong!

Kentucky Bourbon - It may not solve the problem but it helps to make it tolerable!
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Joined: 05 Feb 2010
Posts: 14
Location: Tallahassee, FL [Zone 8B]

Posted: Fri 03 Sep, 2010 10:44 am

I'm located in town so it usually stays a few degrees warmer than it otherwise would.

Owari Satsuma (in ground)
Nules Clementine (in ground)
Page Orange (in ground)
Washington Navel (in ground)
Meiwa Kumquat (in ground)
Nagami Kumquat (in ground)
Key Lime - (in a pot, not in the ground)

I also have a meyer lemon (in ground) and persian lime (in pot, not in ground) that I purchased elsewhere

They were planted in February after January's big cold. There was one day in February I protected them just in case since they were all newly planted. They made it through that cold unscathed. I still do plan to protect them if it is forcasted to get cold enough.
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Joined: 20 Aug 2010
Posts: 16
Location: Northwest Florida

Posted: Thu 09 Sep, 2010 5:42 pm

Just Fruits and Exotics is the best I have been to in North Florida. They have a lot of cold hardy varieties of citrus as well as figs, blueberries, blackberry's, banannas, etc. and so on.
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Joined: 20 Jul 2010
Posts: 968
Location: Pensacola Florida South of I-10 Zone 8b/9a

Posted: Thu 09 Sep, 2010 7:28 pm

I'm looking forward to seeing JF&E. Skeet has a good Blueberry source but I'll look at their inventory of other fruits.

Charles in Pensacola

Life - Some assembly required, As is no warranty, Batteries not included, Instructions shipped separately and are frequently wrong!

Kentucky Bourbon - It may not solve the problem but it helps to make it tolerable!
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