Forms very effective barrier around tree trunks, fences, and even around the house as a band of matching paint and be unnoticeable. Very easy to apply.
Ants B-Gone:
Texas A&M university report:
Manufacturer's report:
Manufacturer's suggestions: 8 oz bug juice into 5 gallon latex paint.
What I do is to split the 8 oz bug juice as follows:
For tree trunks: 4 oz bug juice, 1.5 gallons interior water-based white flat latex wall paint, 1 gallon water. Then paint a 2 ft wide band around the trunk. Very good for protecting peaches, cherries and plums against borers.
For redwood fences (sometimes used by the ants to climb unto the trees when the branches are touching the fence: 4 oz Bug Juice in 2.5 gallons stain or water sealant and paint a band of it on your fence.