Here's Joe's Tachima plum with lots of fruitsgrafted to a Santa Rosa plum. See the sort of line on the bottom of the center fruit?
The above photo does not justify the size of Joe's Tachima plum. They are twice as big as the Italian prunes and just as sweet. Here's another picture.
two fruits in 1 tree
3 fruits i one tree
Green gage plum, king plout and a European plum
Italian Prunes
3 fruits in 1
5 fruits in 1. The mother tree is a Santa Rosa plum. I have many different varieties of European plums, plouts, apricots, peaches and aAsian plums grafted to it.
Fuji apple front and Italian prunes background
Fuji Apple but I have about 4 different varieties grafted to it
Blynhym apricot grafted to a plout
and here's my guava that I thought would die.
She's got a nice home now on the corner of my yard including a baby banana.
Green gage on the left, on the foreground:
arctic white peach, plout and some different European plums grafted to a satsuma plum