Silly me, I hadn't backed up my digital pictures on my desktop for who knows how long. Yesterday, crash.
Got the spare laptop going, however it is dodgey as well with the occasional blue screen of death.
Made a trip to Fry Electronics and bought a hard drive docking station.
Took the two old drives out of the desktop, into the docking station, and plugged the docking station into the laptop.
A short wait while my desktop drive was fixed automatically by the laptop and lucky me, my pictures were still there. Copied them to the laptop. With my recent move I may not have ever found my backup again even an old one.
Re-installed the fixed drive in the desktop. No luck and wouldn't reboot, to the trash it goes...
Looks like a new laptop in the next few days. I actually had a second hard drive in the desktop, just never bothered to back up my pictures to it.