With literally hundreds of pH meters to choose from, how does a person make an intelligent choice when selecting a pH meter for soil and water testing? Listed below are things you need to consider when buying a pH meter.
1). Accuracy & Resolution: Accuracy reflects how precisely the meter measures the pH of a solution. Resolution reflects on the number of digits after the decimal place the pH reading will be given. You can be confident of a pH measurement to the nearest 0.1 pH. Therefore, accuracies of +-0.02 and resolutions of 0.01 pH units work best.
2). Purchase a meter with Auto-shut-off. Not essential but a good feature.
3). Calibration: Regular calibration is important to make sure the electrode is working properly. If the meter cannot be calibrated with standard calibrating solutions, then do not purchase it. Meters that allow for 2-point calibration, using a pH 4 & 7 buffer solution, are more accurate and reliable.
4). Cost: pH meters will range in cost from about $50 to well over $1,000. Meters cheaper that $100 rarely have sufficient accuracy and precision.
5). Replaceable Electrode: Electrodes break faster than meters. Being able to replace only the electrode will save you 50% or more of the cost of having to purchase a new meter.
6). Range: A range of pH 2 to 12, within which the meter is designed to be accurate, will be adequate for all applications.
7). Readout: There are 2 types of readouts found on meters - digital and analog. Digital is more accurate and easier to read

. Temperature compensation: The standard temperature for measuring pH is 77F (25C). The further away from 77F the decrease in accuracy. Meters with automatic temperature compensation (ATC) measure the solution temperature and pH simultaneously and automatically give the correct pH reading.
9). Waterproof vs. Water-resistant: Waterproof means that the entire electrode can be submerged and still work. Water resistant means that water can be splashed on the case and the meter will still work. If you want to measure the pH coming directly out of a hose, choose the water proof model.
10). Calibration Solutions: The solutions you need are pH 4 and 7 buffer solutions that can be purchased from any chemical supply company.
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