Hi Everyone, been lurking here for a while, but just now posting.
I have a Meiwa Kumquat that I got a couple months ago, the first month I had it, I kept it in the original pot until I got around to repotting it. After repotting, most of the small kumquats and blooms fell off, and then some of the older leaves fell off. I just figured it was stress from being repotted. Now a few weeks later its starting to put out some blooms again, but now another set of leaves appears to be yellowing and getting ready to fall off.
The tree is next to my house on my driveway, facing east, so it gets direct sunlight from morning till noonish. After noon it gets lots of indirect light.
It is potted in a mix of
5 parts pine bark mulch
1 part perlite
1 part sphagnum peat
1 part oil absorbant
I water when the upper surface seems to be dry down to 1/2 to 1 inch, which isn't very often, especially with the rain we've been getting here. I have noticed that even when the top is dry, I can see some dark areas on the bottom of the terra cotta pot. so I'm sure the lower levels are still wet.
Below are a couple pictures.
Thanks for the help!