Millet, man after my own heart
I have what I think is a Palestine Lime. I have to cut into one of the fruits to check. If it's insipid, it is. Should I cut it down? Probably. But, I rescued it, along with about 4 or 5 other citrus that were just in terrible shape, so now, how can I possibly do this to this poor wee little tree?? Sigh... I could use the space to put in something else, but I just cannot bring myself to do it. It should have died, and now it's just thriving. Same thing - solid white flowers, no pink anywhere on the flower or flush, but most obviously some sort of lemon or lime. The previous owners could not remember, and the tag is long gone. In fact, it must have had a thin metal stake, as there is this odd metal thing sticking out of the ground, and I think the poor tree grew around it, I can't yank it out. Ugh, what to do, what to do!