I have noticed a scale infestation on one of my large palms and one of my kumquats as well. I do live in an apartment right now so I do not have the ability to spray the plants down with a garden hose and they are to big to put in the shower.
I found this product made by Green Light called "Fruit Tree Spray" and was wondering if anyone has used it. It is quite expensive at $18.00 a quart of concentrate. The mix rate is 1oz per gallon
Active Ingredients:
Pyrethrins --------------------------------------- 0.25%
Piperonyl Butoxide Technical ------------------ 2.5%
Clarified Hydrophobic Extract of Neem Oil ---70.0%
Other ingredients ------------------------------27.25%
This is a broad spectrum insecticide, fungicide and miticide that can be used up to the day of harvest. I also found on some of my plants this year, sooty mold, leaf miners and white flies so I thought this product might be a good solution for all in the future. I would like to stay away from harsh chemicals if possible and this appears to be pretty safe.
Any input would be appreciated