I know a lot has been asked and written about good potting soil for citrus.
Here in Belgium I recently found a potting soil that is supposed to be good for mediterranian plants, including citrus. I'm not sure this product is available in the States though.
See this link via Google Translate:
When I got my buddha's hand plant, I immediately replaced the potting soil by this DCM product because the original soil had an unpleasant smell.
After replanting the plant, I soaked the soil with water (without fertiliser, the soil is said to contain fertiliser for 100 days). I really poured a lot of water in, but to my surprise, all the water stayed in the pot!
Now I'm a little bit scared that this soil may not be as suitable as they claim (also, the fertiliser in the soil does not match the 5-1-3 ratio at all).
What do you citrus gurus think of this?