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Kaffir sap?

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Joined: 23 Dec 2007
Posts: 10
Location: Bishop, CA

Posted: Wed 26 Mar, 2008 10:08 pm

I thought this was sap until I was told it was scale (by someone who did not see it or the attached picture). It's on both of my Kaffir limes, just on the leaves (which appear healthy). It's on about one of four leaves, and appears perfectly clear.

The two Kaffirs are still indoors, but have recently woken up from winter and have been putting out a lot of new I'm pretty sure it's just sap (the little tan specks are sawdust, btw). Is it?

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Joined: 13 Nov 2005
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Posted: Wed 26 Mar, 2008 11:41 pm

Although, I cannot see details very well on your picture, I doubt that it is sap. I would say the stickiness is from scale or aphids. - Millet
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Joined: 10 Sep 2007
Posts: 253
Location: Southern Germany

Posted: Mon 31 Mar, 2008 6:07 pm

If that's realy sap, well spray your tree with a copper fungicide, because sap extrudations from buds and leaf breath openings is a symptome of copper deficiency....
But the picture isn't able to tell me that, it's simply a guess...

Eerh, hmm, uuuh, oooh, just guessing Wink
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Joined: 25 Mar 2008
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Location: NH

Posted: Mon 31 Mar, 2008 6:14 pm

If when you touch a tissue or paper towel to the leaf it comes away green than it is sap. I know that I had an orange tree that did something similar, but for my poor tree it was the sign of a mite infestation under the leaves Embarassed Never again will I believe someone who offers to spray my trees before bringing them into the house for the winter. Sad I noticed it too late (I was sick/not feeling well at the time) and lost all but one orange tree which has fortunately mostly recovered from that least it's growing again & the new leaves are unaffected & pest free.

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Joined: 10 Sep 2007
Posts: 253
Location: Southern Germany

Posted: Thu 03 Apr, 2008 2:21 pm

ruliverse wrote:
If when you touch a tissue or paper towel to the leaf it comes away green than it is sap.

Sorry Cat,
I cannot agree. Honeydew, which is simply scale insect poo won't come away with a paper towel, and even the thick sap of Citrus, which often has a color of light honey and even that consistence.
So, if a tree has a slight copper deviciency, it will help to ensure to overcome it.
Copper spray won't harm the tree and won't do anything to pests...

But you can't can take away any plant sap with a paper tower, because if this is the sieve tube sap, it contains many sugars and amino acids, only xylem tube sap will be water, with dilutet mineral salts.
And most mites won't give out sticky poo, that only do aphids and most scale insects... mites will cause other symptomes...

Eerh, hmm, uuuh, oooh, just guessing Wink
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