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multiple problems i think!

Citrus Growers Forum Index du Forum -> Container citrus
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Joined: 31 Aug 2008
Posts: 66
Location: North East UK

Posted: Wed 03 Sep, 2008 6:47 pm

hi all

any wonder i bought this tree at 75% off at the garden center? its a meyer lemon, which was tied to an awful small trellis and growing sideways and downwards...peculiar. it also has what i believe to be citrus leafminer - have clipped off a couple of leaves that had evidence of it, and i found two cocoons on the underside of one of the moths waiting to hatch?

a lot of the leaves have an oily substance on them which does wipe off easily i think. a lot of the upper leaves are really curled (not affected by the leafminer, i think its more lack of water and light) other leaves have brown and yellow tips...a lack of humidity maybe? or fertilizing problems?

its a small tree - about two foot tall. i have clipped off the 11 lemons i found on it - forced to grow for selling purposes i think but i dont think this tree has the vitality to supply eleven lemons with nutrients!

about the only thing not wrong with this tree is the fact that it doesn't seem affected by scale Smile it seems to be healthy enough, its just the lack of care i think. im going to clean down the leaves with water and a tiny bit of dishsoap. it doesnt seem to be too potbound, but roots are on the top of the soil so i am going to put it in a pot of just one size larger. if anyone can check the pics and let me know if there is anything i need to do with it please let me know Smile i'll be keeping it separate from my other citrus until i know its safe Very Happy

thanks! dan

I have walked worlds of smoke, and half truths intangible. Worlds of torment...and of unnameable beauty. Opaling towers as high as small moons...Glaciers that ripple with insensate lust.
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