Strange if their grafted cause I cant find anything! I have, on my grapefruit anyways, a lot of low branches, mere inches from the spoil that are sprouting or have sprouted and they are the same. The grapefruit is a 7 gallon the rest are 1 gallons.
I got mine at cannor nurseries in both abbotsford and victoria. the victoria location in a couple weeks is set to get many varieties. trhey just have small lemon and limes and a couple large (70-150$) other varieties. A lot of the trees came in though with defiencies.... luckily I was able to pick through to find what looked best.
I am curious now on the grapefruit if it may be grafted. I wonder if its possibly below the soil line. They have some soret of nut shell all over the surface, half decayed, think I might brush that away and see what I could find.
Broke my heart to lose my other trees, but if you have surgery and cant be at home, not much else you can do... I showed her ow to water and check on them. I think if she watered, it was a drop here or there nothing deep. The roots on most the trees were dry and turnedt o powder if I touched them.
Heres a trunk pic of the grapefruit, can you see a graft line??
and here is the whole tree