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New trees!!

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Joined: 23 Feb 2006
Posts: 276

Posted: Sun 22 Apr, 2007 1:26 pm

I lost my trees about 5/6 months ago now and have finally managed to find a couple trees on my road trip this last week. Pretty excited. I have several seedlings and all, but its just not the same. I managed to get a red blush grape fruit... this is one I splurged on, it is a 7 gallon size (whopping 80 bucks) and has several baby grapefruit on. I also got a meyer and eureka lemon both in full flower and fruit. I got one bearrs lime but unfortunatly no fruit or blooms yet, but I can see the start of a lot of new growth. I'm almost ready to get them replanted up. Just, with travelling, being in a car a few days, I want tehm to relax a bit before playing with repotting. I found a great orchid mix of sorts thats a smaller grind that what I was using, they also threw in a citrus fertilizer for free... but boy did it all come to a whole lot, almost 200 by the end of it all.

I've never had trees that were like this, they are extremly green, full, and very bushy. Even the grapefruit all look like they were cuttings, I can find no graft lines. They are brought up here from monrovia (think thats the spelling) definatly a few have aphids, but I was assured they were already sprayed the day I got them and I am ready to give them another spray in a day or two. Not something I want to deal with.

Definatly scared I am going to do something wrong with them. I'm getting some cuttings in a couple weeks and a few grafted trees as well... so I will be overrun (and thats a great thing) with trees again... so, hopefully everything is going to go great this time.
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Joined: 22 Jan 2007
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Location: Northern IL Z5

Posted: Mon 23 Apr, 2007 12:06 am

Congratulations on the new tress!! Monrovia is a well respected wholesaler in the states, and produces great stock. Most of our landscaping is Monrovia plantings. A garden center near me cares Citrus trees from them. I am waiting their first shipment of citrus for this season. I hope they have some good choices.
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Joined: 23 Feb 2006
Posts: 276

Posted: Mon 23 Apr, 2007 12:14 am

These trees are great. Very full and bush like... what I love. Now, just to keep them alive! No trips away from home.... thats how the last batch died. my sister didn't water them for 12 days in 80 degree weather. ugh!
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Joined: 13 Nov 2005
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Posted: Mon 23 Apr, 2007 12:38 am

I wish you and your trees the very best of luck. - Millet
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Joined: 15 Oct 2006
Posts: 236
Location: North Vancouver, BC, Canada

Posted: Mon 23 Apr, 2007 11:52 am

I was going to ask you what happened to to the rest of your plants....
All of monrovias citrus (according to their web site) is grafted one way or another. It usually printed on their info tag.
I have a couple of trees on order from there too - a Standard Bearss Lime
and a Trovita Navel - I am also hoping for a Owari Satsuma. I have asked
for the standard tree versions about 5' tall incuding the pot. we will see what actually arrives at the Garden centre.
(centre spelled the Canadian way ! Smile )
What size plants do you get?


Gregn, citrus enthusiast. North Vancouver Canada. USDA zone 8. I grow In-ground citrus, Palms and bananas. Also have container citrus
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Joined: 23 Feb 2006
Posts: 276

Posted: Mon 23 Apr, 2007 12:11 pm

Strange if their grafted cause I cant find anything! I have, on my grapefruit anyways, a lot of low branches, mere inches from the spoil that are sprouting or have sprouted and they are the same. The grapefruit is a 7 gallon the rest are 1 gallons.

I got mine at cannor nurseries in both abbotsford and victoria. the victoria location in a couple weeks is set to get many varieties. trhey just have small lemon and limes and a couple large (70-150$) other varieties. A lot of the trees came in though with defiencies.... luckily I was able to pick through to find what looked best.

I am curious now on the grapefruit if it may be grafted. I wonder if its possibly below the soil line. They have some soret of nut shell all over the surface, half decayed, think I might brush that away and see what I could find.

Broke my heart to lose my other trees, but if you have surgery and cant be at home, not much else you can do... I showed her ow to water and check on them. I think if she watered, it was a drop here or there nothing deep. The roots on most the trees were dry and turnedt o powder if I touched them.

Heres a trunk pic of the grapefruit, can you see a graft line??

and here is the whole tree

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