I'm looking for suggestions on how to do this with the minimum shock to the tree. I know the best suggestion is to transplant prior to this happening, but for a variety of reasons I could not get to this until now. And the compaction of this soil happened quite fast, over the last month or two; surprising how quickly it changed from when I first noticed some slowing of drainage.
From other posts, it seems the best procedure would be to place the tree's root ball with current soil into a vat of water for a while, and then carefully remove the old soil with minimal damage to the roots. Any other/better ways to do this part?
I am intending to use CHC 4:1 with peat mix for the new soil medium. Pot will be a plastic, non-porous one. I did have some concerns about using a CHC based mix with a non-porous pot material. Will the CHC hold their moisture too long in this sort of pot?
Would some minor pruning after the transplant be advised to better balance the leaves/roots?
And I plan on keeping the tree out of the sun for a couple weeks after the transplant.
Anything else?
FWIW, the tree is about 3' tall and wide, in a 16" pot.