So I'm dipping my toe in the CHC pool, and when I say dipping I mean trying it out on my Hibiscus and Plumeria before I do it with my Citrus since they seem to be very forgiving. Anyhow I called Crystal to put in an order and while I wanted the medium chips they only had small and large. I went with the small because I'm impatient and didn't want to wait 4 weeks for them to get the medium back in. Question is do you think I'll be OK with the small chips?
Second question about the cation soak. I've seen Millet write that he's planed in it without doing it. Have you seen any effects and would you think it would be ok for me to do the same?
Citrus will easily adapt to most soil types. I had Citrus trees in every type of substrate, from CHC to soil with 90% clay, and I never killed a plant. The owner and over/under-watering will kill it. Try to keep it somewhere with a nice airflow.
You will not have any problem with small CHC chips. I've seen good-looking citrus in cocopeat. Try to wash the chips very good before you use them. You never know what chemicals were used.
Cation soak? Is it worthed? Are you a professional grower? Just love your plant, water it, feed it and it will reward you.