How much are you paying for property insurance? Is wind insurance worth the cost? Down here in south Florida property insurance can be expensive, although I got a quote for a $220,000 property with one acre of land and 1452 sq foot home for $2512 and another for $2050 which is very low. I did not get a quote from Citizens insurance yet however. The big concern is that if a major catastrophic hurricane does strike, the damaged cost could be over 150 billion and the insurance companies may not have enough funds to pay the claims! Hope that a major catastrophic hurricane does not make landfall for the next ten years!
Hurricanes may however become less frequent in future if wind shear is more common.
My family owns a home on the coast with replacement cost of $450,000 and the insurance is over $20,000 per year. The property has a market value near 1 million though.
I may buy some agricultural land in Miami Dade county for investment because the interest on money market funds is very low near zero percent. Land is a good investment now.